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A look into the Ready Set Trot program

Fun and structured riding for kids 7+!

Ready Set Trot is a beginner to intermediate riders program targeted at any budding young rider! Aimed at children aged 7 and up, this program allows children with an interest in horses, those that might have commenced learning the basics or riders that have come through the Junior Jockeys program the opportunity to have fun and get started in the equestrian sport.

Ready Set Trot is a 10 week, 2-hour program that includes a one hour group riding session and one hour theory (horse care, safety and knowledge) session. The theory component is a practical, on the ground, structured learning session. This component is a wonderful way to learn skills and increase confidence required to be around and handle horses. We cover topics such as grooming, feeding, safety and horse well being.

Each term, we re-asses each rider’s current skill set, and rearrange them into new phases if/when appropriate. Sometimes this may mean riders will not receive the same allocation as their previous term, as we arrange the riders into new groups that suit their skill set.

As children progress through the Ready Set Trot program, they will go through many phases. Each phase will take at least 1 term to understand and practice the skills of that phase before being able to proceed to the next phase. Mastering different riding areas ( Main Arena, Back Arena and Park) and different horses is important for progress. No two riders progress at the same pace, each rider experiences different challenges and overcoming these challenges is part of the journey.

Once riders reach phase five, they may explore more enhanced options such as Equiskills or Riding Club. Moving onto these programs are completely optional, as many are happy continuing their progression in their current group.

For more information regarding our Children’s programs, head to our “Children’s Riding” section on our website.